This is a bit of an advanced and lengthy topic, but to summarize - if your bot is growing, you have to apply for privileged intents that are tied to data that Discord deems sensitive. For now, just toggle on the members intent as it's mandatory for many bot features. Disqord uses this intent by default. You can come back to this later at any time.
The rest of this tutorial isn't necessary for your first bot. Feel free to skip to inviting the bot.
Intents (most often referred to as gateway intents) essentially describe what data and gateway events related to that data your bot will process.
Privileged Intents
Specyfing Intents
Example of adding intents that the library does not use by default:
hostBuilder.ConfigureDiscordBot((context, bot) =>
// Enables messages from direct (private) channels.
bot.Intents += GatewayIntent.DirectMessages;