Creating Command Modules

The easiest way to create commands is by adding module classes to your project, i.e. classes that inherit DiscordModuleBase or DiscordGuildModuleBase.

See more: xref

I called the class I made BotModule. The name can be anything and you can have as many modules as you want.

Now, paste the following code in:

using Disqord.Bot;
using Qmmands;

namespace MyBot
    // DiscordModuleBase is required to mark the class as a command module.
    public class BotModule : DiscordModuleBase
        // The command attribute marks the method as a command, with 'ping' as the alias.
        public DiscordCommandResult Ping()
            // Means the command should respond with the given string.
            return Response("Pong!");

This adds a basic ping-pong command. Let's try it out! Boot up your bot and type ?ping, !ping or @YourBot ping in a channel.


Next up: First Services.